The Moment that Started It All

I started this blog because I have been where you are. I got my dog Muhanga - as many of y’all did - during COVID, and was working remotely as a 7th-grade English teacher. When he was about 5 months old, I started transitioning to working back in person.

At the same time, I was living in a city, in an apartment, on an extremely tight budget, and actually, turns out my dog was really intense and needed a lotttt from me (and I had no idea what I was doing).

I also was working an insanely high-stress job 60+ hours a week. Mu ended up with over $13,000 in vet bills due to an autoimmune condition, I was diagnosed with cPTSD, depression, and anxiety, and I was forced to leave my career as a middle school teacher to care for a family member’s health. I completely neglected myself and my self-care, and even despite giving 110% to my job and dog, I felt like an absolute failure. I would watch friends and people on social media do so much with their pups, and it seemed easy for them. 

Heck, I even struggled to fit in regular 10-minute training sessions, and was drowning with how expensive having a dog was turning out to be. I felt guilty ALL THE TIME. 

I started recognizing that I needed to ignore the other voices and build a strategy for myself that took my restrictions and actual reality into account. More than anything, I needed to prioritize caring for myself first. 

Over the next several years, I began developing strategies that helped me successfully navigate our lives, health challenges, and financial constrictions without burning myself out, and the mission of Mu Boy & Co. is to help others do the same!

I am so crazy passionate about helping you build a life you love for yourself and your dog, and know it’s possible for you to accomplish and adventure more while doing less. Follow along and get ready to say goodbye to guilt and stress, and get ready to feel confident AF as a pet parent.


Packing List for Camping With Your Pup


3 Things to STOP Doing if You’re a Stressed Pet Parent